To whom it may concern,
Recently sat down with one of Pathway’s individuals “Kevin Bush” to ask him what he most enjoys about not only living in a Pathway Group Home, but also attending the Pathway Day Program. He stated that he really enjoys being able to go to work and make money.
He feels that he does meaningful work in the Attic, and is very much looking forward to being able to go back to work and make more money, He also stated that he has became close friends with some of the staff in the Attic, and is looking forward to working with his co-workers again. Kevin also stated that he has made many meaningful friendships at Pathway, and is very much looking forward to when everyone can go back to Day Program after Covid-19 so that he can see everyone.
When asked about living in the Residential setting at Pathway Services he had several things to say. He liked that before Covid-19 hit, he had the freedom to do independent outings, and is looking forward to being able to go out in the community again. He misses being able to go shopping and out to eat independently. While at home, Kevin stated that he likes to be able to cook in the kitchen to improve his cooking skills.
He is constantly looking for new recipes to cook and have his housemates try. Kevin also stated he and his roommate have bonded over a love of wrestling, and they enjoy watching it together in their room every Monday and Friday night.